Onward and forward!

Okay. Finished phase one–a page for each work. Next week I’ll dig into the juicier stuff–the kinds of things readers might like to know. But for now it’s a start. Of course, I also have to figure out one other important hitch–how to actually get people to the site. One thing at a time…

In the meantime, check out my summer blog tour to promote my latest book Spinning Out. It was my first real foray into cyberworld and encouraged me to establish an online presence via Facebook and this site. (A special thanks to Lara Starr at Chronicle Books for setting this all up!)

In fact, my very first blog post speaks to this…

On to the tour:

05/25/11 Reach Out

06/27/11  WORD for Teens

06/28/11  The Children’s and Teen’s Book Connection

06/29/11  The O.W.L.

06/30/11  The Hate-Mongering Tart

07/02/11  The Friendly Reader

07/05/11  Cracking the Cover

07/06/11  Mother Daughter Book Club

07/07/11  Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

07/08/11 The Book Cellar

07/11/11 Teaching Books