Digging Deeper

Added another page today. Decided to go with Doppelganger next. Had fun working in the French and Chinese stuff, though I don’t know if it will stay. Starting to recover from my initial feeling yesterday of being overwhelmed by all this and wondering if I should have just paid someone to put something together. The site is certainly simple, though I kind of like the clean, spare look–it’s got a Scandanavian kind of mojo, the Ikea of websites. Then again, I have a habit of making a virtue of necessity.

Still, sometimes less is more. A site doesn’t need to be fancy–it just needs to have good content. With time, I think this one will.

I’m still digging the idea of a series of essays or posts about the stories behind the stories–everything from the origins of the novels, to their writing and revision, to the issues of design and cover art and titles. Some of these books have some interesting tales behind their creation. Not sure if I should include them here on the front page blog or if they should go on their own pages or on the pages of the titles they’re linked to. That’s the thing about putting a website together. Lots of decisions to make!

I changed the title of the site to “The Accidental Novelist” for reasons that will soon be explained. Stay tuned!

Am going to shoot for getting the rest of the book pages up tomorrow, then I can turn my attention to the really interesting stuff…