A Few Pages More…

A bit quiet on the website-building front last week. Trying to squeeze in as much summer fun as I can before heading back to the classroom to start a new year of teaching. But I did just add two new pages. One is a contact page listing my brand new email address, along with details on how to acquire precious signed copies of two of my favorite books (that will someday be worth lots of money when I hit the big-time), as well as information for book clubs and schools kind enough to take an interest in my work. I also added a page featuring other places my work has appeared in.

Speaking of teaching, it occurred to me that it would be nice to add a page for teachers who wish to use my books in the classroom. Spinning Out might not be appropriate for classroom use in many schools due to the language, but Truesight, Doppelganger, and A Gathering of Shades have all been used to great effect by several of my talented colleagues in English classrooms at Lyndon Institute. All three novels are very “teachable”, with rich themes for discussion. Truesight is a coming of age story that is firmly grounded in the dystopian tradition, while Doppelganger and A Gathering of Shades explicitly play off of Macbeth and The Odyssey respectively. I’ll hit my peers up for whatever materials they might have (quizzes, tests, discussion questions, etc.), along with some of my own stuff, and make those resources available on this site.

More anon…